Friday, August 17, 2012

Breaking Website Fashion


" bitch-slapped and probably doesn't even know it."

Okay, we all know there are some really good looking websites, some that look average, and then,
there are some that just straight-up break the laws of website fashion.
Take for example. This website has one of the biggest faux-pas in the website world;
file names popping up when hovering over images? REALLY??! That is like one of the simplest,
easiest thing to do. I really hope the owner of this restaurant designed this website and charged himself,
because if not, he or she, got bitch-slapped and probably doesn't even know it.

That website is so bad I'm cutting its review short and moving on to the next. ltgrill gets a 5/10.

Chino Bandido. That's right, exists. This website just down right looks like. . .
CRAP! Alright, I will give the designer credit for his menu feature--it's pretty rare.
Besides that, I would change just a couple things, the entire website and whoever designed it!

Chino Bandido gets a 6/10 (without the menu design, it's an ltgrill)

I'm starting to notice my blog looks better than these websites. Not bueno, people.
Moving on to better insults. . . What the fuel price is MySpace still doing taking up beautfiul,
precious, usable web space?? True, the website was never all that good looking, but these days
it seems like they had Justin Bieber's hair-stylist design it. It provides nothing new, nothing unique.
It's just a bunch of images linking to either songs or videos. MySpace is to the web what Tom Cruise
is to humans (I don't think I have to elaborate on that). Just let this poor tree fall. Will someone hear it?
Most positively not. MySpace gets a 5/10.

I'm existed. .exhausted or whatever. As long as these websites still exist I'm allowed to
include typos on this blog. On a side-note: how is my phone smarter than my computer?
My phone auto-corrects my typing and even predicts it. The computer just underlines in red.
Woohoo! NOT! Fix it!

That's it for this edition of iNN!UnACCEPTABLE. Come back next week to see what we insult next.

Fallow @iNNCart on Twitter

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